Invest in Our Mission

Our Hope

We are seeking generous givers whose personal mission and passion aligns with ours – those who believe God is calling them to steward their resources for this purpose – and who are willing to join with us in changing the world through Christian education.  Please prayerfully seek the Lord, open your heart to Him, and ask if He wants you to invest in advancing the mission and vision of Arborbrook Christian Academy.

Your Part

The gift profile on this page shows how it will be possible for us to secure our goal for this campaign. The chart reveals that even with the large task God has given us, it is possible to move forward. Every commitment makes a difference, including employee matching contributions and church partnerships.

As you look at the guide, your eyes will likely settle first on the level you have been considering for our campaign. You can see how that gift will strengthen our school and enable us to move forward with our vision. However, before you make a commitment, please pray about moving up one step on the chart.

We are trusting God to provide for Arborbrook Christian Academy. Will He use you?

Your Pledge

Click the image below to submit your commitment card online.

Campaign Tracker

Together, we have raised 1 Million Dollars toward our 3.9 Million Dollar goal.