From the Head of School
Fall 2024
Greetings Arborbook,
As we begin the final year of our ROOTS campaign, we praise God for His faithfulness over the last two years and thank you for your financial support of our future building. To date, we have received nearly $730,000 in donations and have pledges totaling nearly $1,100,000. Praise the Lord! As we begin ROOTS 3.0, this year’s tagline is Close the Gap. In the last five years, Arborbrook’s enrollment has grown 24%. This impacts us daily as we are out of space. We seek to partner with you to provide the remaining funding necessary to expand Arborbrook. Every student will benefit when we build our proposed classroom building. The new classrooms will be used by upper school students, and lower school students will spread out into newly available space.
Arborbrook continues to hold fast to its Charlotte Mason educational distinctions.
- Education is an atmosphere- Our classrooms are an extension of the home where students are safe, respected, and held accountable to high academic and moral standards.
- Education is a discipline- Teachers encourage and model godly habits that allow students to thrive.
- Education is a life- Nature studies, outdoor education, living books, community involvement, and service days all teach children how to connect learning with doing.
- Education is a science of relations- Children of all ages learn their place in the world and how to share God’s truth and impact others with His light.
Arborbrook’s board and administration have been busy the last two years, consistently praying and asking God for His direction to preserve Arborbrook’s unique educational environment.
- We have developed relationships and partnerships with individuals and businesses to help support Arborbrook’s future.
- We have written several grant proposals and begun relationships with foundations that can support our long-term goals. We believe these relationships will result in a major funding source for this project.
- We have continued to partner with Central Baptist Church and are looking at new ways to secure longterm campus improvement.
- We have considered many funding options, some of which we have chosen to forgo due to government regulations.
- We continue to research the best loan options as we navigate the way forward for Arborbrook. We wish to strike the correct balance—we need a building for our students but do not want to significantly raise tuition rates to service debt. We wish to be visionary, but also fiscally responsible.
How can we Close the Gap? We need $925,000 in additional giving to reach our goal of getting shovels in the ground. These are gifts that have not yet been pledged to the Roots campaign.
If you have pledged within the last two years, thank you for your faithful giving. Please continue as those dollars will help us cross the finish line. Included with this letter is a statement indicating progress on your pledge.
If you have not yet pledged, will you join us by sharing a generous gift to Close the Gap? Your taxdeductible gift will help construct a building that will be used for God’s glory in the lives of our students and their families.
With ROOTS established in love, we seek to create space so our students can thrive. We trust God that THIS is the year we will Close the Gap with the help of our community and connections. We will provide regular updates on our progress as we Close the Gap.
Lastly, you are invited to a special night where we will review our plans and celebrate God’s faithfulness to Arborbrook while enjoying food, fun, and fellowship in this special community. We are hosting a Christmas-themed Close the Gap event on December 6 beginning at 6:00 pm. Please go to for more details and to RSVP. Childcare for Arborbrook students is provided by National Honor Society members. We hope to see everyone there!
If you have any questions, comments, or wish to have a conversation about the campaign, please reach out to me at I have been amazed at the connections made because someone shared information with me.
Always moving forward,
Dr. Andrew J Zawacki
Head of School