Meet Our Board

Arborbrook has a Board of Directors and utilizes a Carver Board Policy Governance model. 

Arborbrook’s board watches over the affairs of the school and helps set school-wide policy. The board concerns itself with issues of fiscal responsibility, oversight of the Head of School, long-term strategic planning, evaluating and providing for facilities in which to operate, and other big picture items. The Head of School and staff run the day-to-day operations of the school. The board hires and evaluates the Head of School (who is a non-voting board member). The board works cooperatively with the Head of School to achieve the goals and vision of Arborbrook. The board makes decisions and operates as a unit. Individual board members do not have authority apart from the board itself.

The board is self-propagating and new board members are brought on to replace vacancies after a prayerful vetting process. New board members must have been at the school at least two years, serving the school within his or her gifting, and demonstrating wisdom and discernment. Arborbrook teachers and staff may not serve on the board, and board members may serve no more than three, consecutive, 3-year terms.

If you have a question specifically for the board, please contact Rex Noble, the Board Chair.

2024-2025 Board Members

Pictured Left to Right:

Jennifer Jones
Andy Allison
George Betancourt
Roy Mangum
June Hall
Rex Noble
Scott Hosey
Matt Depp