Faculty & Staff Directory

Arborbrook Christian Academy is blessed to have such an amazing team to pour into our students.  Feel free to reach out to your teachers for questions or to send them encouragement for a job well done!

2024-2025 Administrators

Dr. Andrew Zawacki

Dr. Andrew Zawacki

Titles: Head of School, High School Leadership, Dual Enrollment Sociology
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts, Kings College
Masters of Science, SUNY Albany
Doctor of Strategic Leadership, Regent University
Jamie Emrich

Jamie Emrich

Titles: Principal, Upper School
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts, UNC Chapel Hill
Masters in English, UNC Charlotte
Kristen Woodman

Kristen Woodman

Titles: Principal, Lower School
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts, Cedarville University
Elementary Ed. Certified K-6, ESL K-12, Math 6-9, Math 9-12, Business Ed 6-12
Samantha Haun

Samantha Haun

Titles: Assistant Principal
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, Appalachian State University
NC Teaching License

2024-2025 Faculty and Staff

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Mary Beekman

Mary Beekman

Titles: K-12 Art
Degree(s): Diploma in Foreign Missions, Moody Bible Institute
John Blumenstein

John Blumenstein

Titles: Upper School Bible, Logic & Rhetoric
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts, UNC Chapel Hill
Master of Divinity, Erskine Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Union Presbyterian Seminary
Tonya Bronson

Tonya Bronson

Titles: College Guidance Counselor
Degree(s): Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Kentucky
Carina Brossy

Carina Brossy

Titles: Nature Studies
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts, Florida State University
Daniel Bruce

Daniel Bruce

Titles: High School Elective
Degree(s): Masters of Computer Science, Cornell University
Bachelors of Math, University of Florida
Paul Buksbazen

Paul Buksbazen

Titles: Music K-12 & Productions
Degree(s): Master of Music Technology, College of Saint Rose
Bachelor of Music Education, Crane School of Music – State University College at Potsdam
Angela Cook

Angela Cook

Titles: Assistant to Head of School, Director of Operations
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, Ashland University
Stephen Cook

Stephen Cook

Titles: Upper School Math
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, The Ohio State University
Carrie Davis

Carrie Davis

Titles: 1st Grade
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, Columbia International University
Karla Dimmette

Karla Dimmette

Titles: 4th Grade
Stephanie Dunn

Stephanie Dunn

Titles: Upper School Science & Math
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, West Virginia State University
Derek Durst

Derek Durst

Titles: Athletic Director
Degree(s): Masters, Sports Management, Wingate
Karen Ellis

Karen Ellis

Titles: Permanent Substitute
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, Belhaven University
Malana Ennis

Malana Ennis

Titles: Assistant Office Manager, PVC Coordinator
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, Purdue University
Jenny Fox

Jenny Fox

Titles: Kindergarten
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, University of Florida
Jonathan Gill

Jonathan Gill

Titles: Technology
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, West Chester University of PA
Jill Helms

Jill Helms

Titles: 5th Grade
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts, UNC Charlotte
Elementary Education
Shea Holbrook

Shea Holbrook

Titles: 5th Grade
Degree(s): Bachelor of Science, Florida Southern College
Emma Kate Hosey

Emma Kate Hosey

Titles: Teacher Assistant
Elli Hudson

Elli Hudson

Titles: Junior High Science, Discrete Math
Degree(s): Bachelor of Arts, UNC-Charlotte
NC Professional Educator License
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