Mission Statement

Arborbrook Christian Academy partners with parents to equip, empower, and encourage students to cultivate godly character, pursue life-long learning, and love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Children in schools founded by Miss Charlotte Mason wore badges on their collars.  The words on the badge read:

I am, I can, I ought, I will.

This motto is a daily reminder of who they are and therefore how they should behave. 

At Arborbrook Christian Academy, we have adopted this motto as well.

I Am

I am a unique child, created in the image of God.  I am His image bearer, important to Him, and loved by Him.  It is crucial to us, as educators who are entrusted with the care of these children for a portion of their lives, that we come alongside their parents and help shape this foundational belief in each child.  We will value our students as human beings made in the very image of God, for the purpose of loving Him and being loved by Him.  This is vital to their sense of worth (self-esteem) and to their sense of who they are in Christ (Christ-esteem).

I Can

I can live a life that is pleasing to God.    “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”  Every child has unique gifts and talents given to him by his Creator.  As educators, we will encourage each child in their abilities and communicate to them that they are able to do what God requires them to do.

I Ought

I should do what is right and pleasing to God.  It’s my responsibility as a child of God to do the things He instructs me to do.  Absolute truth does exist.  We can know what is right and wrong.  As educators, working alongside parents, we will teach children what is right and wrong according to God’s Word.  Godly discipline grounded in love and concern for the child’s well-being will help the child develop a keen sense of right and wrong and the desire to do what is right.

I Will

I will choose to do what is right and pleasing to God.  God has given me free will and I will to do the right thing.  Students always have a choice.  Right choices lead to praise, encouragement and a sense of godly pride.  Wrong choices lead to natural and usually negative consequences.  As educators, we value the infinite worth of each child, teach and model what is good and pleasing to the Lord our God, and assure the child that he can do the right thing.